Send messages to the iframe
Payment Information
Once the iframe is loaded, the parent window must post a PAYMENT_FORM_INFO message to the iframe including the authorisation token, payment information and configurations for PayPal button customisation using this function:
window.postMessage(message, targetOrigin, [transfer]);
Parameter list:
paymentInfo (Required)
Name | Type | Description | Required? |
token | string | Authentication token | ✅ |
risk | object | Information to enable risk assessment process | ✅ |
risk[currentService ] | string | The service or accountId to which the order/payment relates. e.g. the MSN being recharged | ✅ |
risk[deviceFingerprint ] | string | A unique identifier of the device from which the payment request is being made | ✅ |
risk[ipAddress ] | string | The IP address of the device from which the payment is being submitted | ✅ |
risk[parentAccount ] | string | Reference to the parent account to which the current service belongs; can be same as currentService | ✅ |
risk [channel ] | string | The medium from which the transaction is originated (the pre-built UI is used) eg: web, app | ✅ |
risk [simNumber ] | string | The SIM number to which the payment relates; applicable only for telecom sim activation | ➖ |
risk [activationDate ] | date | The date upon which the service was activated for the current user; The date must be today or a past date. | ➖ |
requestId | string | Unique identifier for request provided by merchant | ✅ |
service | string | The service for which the payment is being completed, e.g. Shop, Recharge, Unlock | ✅ |
amount | object | The value of funds to be transferred and the currency | ✅ |
amount [value ] | number | The total value of the funds to be transferred; order total | ✅ |
amount [currency ] | string | The currency in which the transaction is to occur | ✅ |
items | object | The array of items the customer purchases from the merchant | ✅ |
items[name ] | string | The item name or title | ✅ |
items [quantity ] | string | The item quantity. Must be a whole number | ✅ |
items[description ] | string | The detailed item description | ➖ |
items [unitPrice ] | string | The unit price of the item | ✅ |
customer | object | The details of customer requesting the order | ➖ |
customer[givenNames] | string | The given names of the customer | ✅ |
customer[surname] | string | The last name of the customer | ✅ |
customer[email] | string | The email address of customer | ✅ |
shipping | object | The name and address of the person to whom to ship the items. | ➖ |
shipping[name ] | string | The name of the person to whom to ship the items | ✅ |
shipping[line ] | string | The address of the person to whom to ship the items, such as number and street | ✅ |
shipping[area ] | string | A city, town, or village | ✅ |
shipping[region ] | string | The highest-level sub-division in a country, which is usually a province, state, or ISO-3166-2 subdivision | ✅ |
shipping[postcode ] | string | The postal code, which is the ZIP code or equivalent. Typically required for countries with a postal code or an equivalent | ✅ |
shipping[countryCode ] | string | The 2-character ISO 3166-1 code that identifies the country or region | ✅ |
config (Optional)
Name | Type | Description | Required? |
paypalHeight | number | The height of the PayPal button. min: 25, max: 55 | ➖ Default:40 |
paypalColor | string | The theme colour of the PayPal button. one of gold, blue, white, black, sliver | ➖ Default: blue |
paypalShape | string | The shape of the PayPal button. one of pill, rect | ➖ Default:pill |
<script src=""></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
function createPaymentFrame() {
const paymentFrame = document.createElement("iframe");
// logic to construct the frame
if (paymentFrame.addEventListener) {
paymentFrame.addEventListener("load", sendMessage, false);
} else if (paymentFrame.attachEvent) {
paymentFrame.attachEvent("onload", sendMessage);
function sendMessage() {
const paymentWindow = this.contentWindow;
value: {
paymentInfo: {
token: "< oauth token>",
risk: {
currentService: "0469024567",
deviceFingerprint: "ABCDE12345",
ipAddress: "",
parentAccount: "0469024567",
channel: "web",
merchantData: {"simNumber":"77666655555", "activationDate": "2022-05-01"}
service: "shop",
amount: {
value: 25.00,
currency: "AUD"
items: [ {
name: "iPhone",
description: "Online store order 1",
unitPrice: "12.00"
name: "Samsung",
description: "Online store order 2",
unitPrice: "13.00"
customer: {
givenNames: "Joe",
surname: "Consumer",
email: "[email protected]"
shipping: {
name: "Joe Consumer",
line: "123 Fake Street",
area: "Melbourne",
region: "VIC",
postcode: "3000",
countryCode: "AU"
config: {
paypalShape: "rect",
paypalHeight: 50,
paypalColor: "silver",
<div id="payment" style="height: 400px" />
Receive messages from the iframe
A Parent window can listen for dispatched messsages from IFrame by executing this code
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener("message", (event) => console.log(, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
// before IE 9 support
window.attachEvent("onmessage", (event) => console.log(;
} else {
throw new Error("Could not attach message listener");
Response messages from the iframe
Message Format
Successful responses will be returned in the Compact format
Example: {type: SUCCESS, value: {id: 'aaa', receiptId: '312456', token: '4CU64277MN5554947', amount: 12, currency: 'AUD'}
Values present in successful response
Name | Type | Present? | Description |
id | string | ✅ | Uniquely identifies each pre-authorise attempt. This is generated by Afterpay system |
receiptId | string | ✅ | identifier for the reservation made |
token | string | ✅ | The unique identifier representing the customer's paypal order |
amount | number | ✅ | The value of the funds to be transferred |
currency | string | ✅ | The currency in which the transaction is to occur |
Failed response
Example: FAILED {code: '99', message: 'Other error occurred.', method: 'POST', endPoint: '/v1/reservations'}
Values present in failed response
Name | Type | Present? | Description |
code | numeric | ✅ | A number that maps to an error |
message | string | ✅ | A human-readable message providing more details about the error |
method | string | ✅ | HTTP method POST |
endpoint | string | ✅ | endpoint information (v1/reservations) |
Updated over 1 year ago