Send messages to the iframe

Payment Information

Once the iframe is loaded, the parent window must post a PAYMENT_FORM_INFO message to the iframe including the authorisation token, payment information and configurations for PayPal button customisation using this function:

window.postMessage(message, targetOrigin, [transfer]);

Parameter list:

paymentInfo (Required)

tokenstringAuthentication token
riskobjectInformation to enable risk assessment process
risk[currentService]stringThe service or accountId to which the order/payment relates. e.g. the MSN being recharged
risk[deviceFingerprint]stringA unique identifier of the device from which the payment request is being made
risk[ipAddress]stringThe IP address of the device from which the payment is being submitted
risk[parentAccount]stringReference to the parent account to which the current service belongs; can be same as currentService
risk [channel]stringThe medium from which the transaction is originated (the pre-built UI is used)
eg: web, app
risk [simNumber]stringThe SIM number to which the payment relates; applicable only for telecom sim activation
risk [activationDate]dateThe date upon which the service was activated for the current user; The date must be today or a past date.
requestIdstringUnique identifier for request provided by merchant
servicestringThe service for which the payment is being completed, e.g. Shop, Recharge, Unlock
amountobjectThe value of funds to be transferred and the currency
amount [value]numberThe total value of the funds to be transferred; order total
amount [currency]stringThe currency in which the transaction is to occur
itemsobjectThe array of items the customer purchases from the merchant
items[name]stringThe item name or title
items [quantity]stringThe item quantity. Must be a whole number
items[description]stringThe detailed item description
items [unitPrice]stringThe unit price of the item
customerobjectThe details of customer requesting the order
customer[givenNames]stringThe given names of the customer
customer[surname]stringThe last name of the customer
customer[email]stringThe email address of customer
shippingobjectThe name and address of the person to whom to ship the items.
shipping[name]stringThe name of the person to whom to ship the items
shipping[line]stringThe address of the person to whom to ship the items, such as number and street
shipping[area]stringA city, town, or village
shipping[region]stringThe highest-level sub-division in a country, which is usually a province, state, or ISO-3166-2 subdivision
shipping[postcode]stringThe postal code, which is the ZIP code or equivalent. Typically required for countries with a postal code or an equivalent
shipping[countryCode]stringThe 2-character ISO 3166-1 code that identifies the country or region

config (Optional)

paypalHeightnumberThe height of the PayPal button. min: 25, max: 55
paypalColorstringThe theme colour of the PayPal button. one of gold, blue, white, black, sliver
Default: blue
paypalShapestringThe shape of the PayPal button. one of pill, rect


<script src=""></script>
   $(document).ready(function () {
   function createPaymentFrame() {
     const paymentFrame = document.createElement("iframe");
		 // logic to construct the frame
     if (paymentFrame.addEventListener) {
       paymentFrame.addEventListener("load", sendMessage, false);
     } else if (paymentFrame.attachEvent) {
       paymentFrame.attachEvent("onload", sendMessage);
   function sendMessage() {  
     const paymentWindow = this.contentWindow;
    type: "PAYMENT_FORM_INFO",
    value: {
        paymentInfo: {
              token: "< oauth token>",
              risk: {
                  currentService: "0469024567",
                  deviceFingerprint: "ABCDE12345",
                  ipAddress: "",
                  parentAccount: "0469024567",
                  channel: "web",
                  merchantData: {"simNumber":"77666655555", "activationDate": "2022-05-01"}
              service: "shop",
              amount: {
                            value: 25.00,
                            currency: "AUD"
              items: [  {
                            name: "iPhone",
                            description: "Online store order 1",
                            unitPrice: "12.00"
                            name: "Samsung",
                            description: "Online store order 2",
                            unitPrice: "13.00"
              customer: {
                            givenNames: "Joe",
                            surname: "Consumer",
                            email: "[email protected]"
              shipping: {
                            name: "Joe Consumer",
                            line: "123 Fake Street",
                            area: "Melbourne",
                            region: "VIC",
                            postcode: "3000",
                            countryCode: "AU"

        config: {
          paypalShape: "rect",
          paypalHeight: 50,
          paypalColor: "silver",
   <div id="payment" style="height: 400px" />

Receive messages from the iframe

A Parent window can listen for dispatched messsages from IFrame by executing this code

if (window.addEventListener) {
    window.addEventListener("message", (event) => console.log(, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
  // before IE 9 support
  window.attachEvent("onmessage", (event) => console.log(;
} else {
  throw new Error("Could not attach message listener");

Response messages from the iframe

Message Format

Successful responses will be returned in the Compact format

Example: {type: SUCCESS, value: {id: 'aaa', receiptId: '312456', token: '4CU64277MN5554947', amount: 12, currency: 'AUD'}

Values present in successful response

idstringUniquely identifies each pre-authorise attempt. This is generated by Afterpay system
receiptIdstringidentifier for the reservation made
tokenstringThe unique identifier representing the customer's paypal order
amountnumberThe value of the funds to be transferred
currencystringThe currency in which the transaction is to occur

Failed response

Example: FAILED {code: '99', message: 'Other error occurred.', method: 'POST', endPoint: '/v1/reservations'}

Values present in failed response

codenumericA number that maps to an error
messagestringA human-readable message providing more details about the error
methodstringHTTP method POST
endpointstringendpoint information (v1/reservations)