The information required to be provided in any API request that requires risk assessment and revenue assurance

Basic Risk Assessment object

currentServicestringnoThe service to which the transaction relates, e.g. the accountId being rechargedExpected in most cases, however, accountId may be irrelevant for merchant Shop
channelstringyesThe channel (medium) from which the transaction was originated ; Please see the table below for the different expected values for channels; the value is case insensitive
deviceFingerprintstringyesA unique identifier of the device from which the request is being madeIVR should send device identifier or caller id
ipAddressstringyesThe IP address of the device from which the is being submitted
geolocationCountrystringyesThe country from which the function is being requested. 2 character ISO stand country code
geolocationstringyesThe geographic coordinates of the device from which the request is being submittedThe longitude and latitude of the device
activationDatedateyesThe date upon which the service was activated for the current ownerExpected for all activated services. The date must occur in the past. It May be null to accommodate yet-to-be-activated or not applicable services e.g. Activation or Shop
simNumberstringnoThe SIM number to which the function relatesOnly applicable to Activation
applicationobjectnoThe details of the mechanism (browser, app, OS) through which the request is submitted
application[name]stringnoThe name of the application through which the request is submittedE.g. Chrome, MOA etc
application[version]stringnoThe version of the application through which the request is submittedE.g. Version 67.0.3396.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)
application[osName]stringnoThe OS on which the application is running through which the request is submittedE.g. iOS, Android, Windows
application[osVersion]stringnoThe OS version on which the application is running through which the request is submittedE.g. Windows 7 Professional SP 1
lastInteractionstringnoThe date and time of the last interaction that merchant had with the customerThe timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
expirystringnoThe date upon which the present service expiresmerchant to provide the expiry date/time of the current service. Null indicates no current expiry (i.e. Activation). May be the historical date (expired service) or future dated.
The timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
parentAccountstringyesReference to the parent account to which the current service belongsRepresents a hierarchical parent account identifier. May be used for identification of 'family' accounts. In the event that the parent is not known or there is no parent, it should be the same as the current account

Channel: The medium customers used for tokenisation, reserve funds or payment. Example: SMS, app, web, msite

ChannelExpected Value to be passed in the APIComment
mobile appappany request initiated from the mobile app
smssmsant requests initiated through sms eg: link - Menu 9999:3
ivrivrany request initiated via ivr
webwebany requests initiated from a desktop version of web portal
mobile optimised websitemsiteany request initiated through the mobile optimised version of any website
Auto PaymentautopaymentAuto payment execution without any manual interruption by customer/merchant

Sample Example

Simple version of Risk Assessment object
  "currentService": "61401200106",
  "channel": "SMS",
  "deviceFingerprint": "fff28a21349c32b326218ebac9f411e",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "geolocationCountry": "AU",
  "geolocation": "-37.840935,144.946457",
  "activationDate": "20-10-2019",
  "application": {
    "name": "Chrome",
    "version": "Version 67.0.3396.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)",
    "osName": "Android",
    "osVersion": "Android 9"
  "lastInteraction": "2019-05-01T03:00:00Z",
  "expiry": "2020-02-16T00:00:00Z",
  "parentAccount": "61401200106"