All error codes generated by these interfaces are integer and have the same values across all interface calls.

Payment Host Response Codes

1Transient errorTransient gateway error
2Invalid payment detailsCredit card or payment details are incorrect - Correct and try again
4Insufficient fundsCredit card has insufficient funds
5Possible fraud detected/ Velocity Rule BreachTransaction breached velocity rules
98Invalid transaction stateInvalid Transaction State
99Examples: Other error occurred/ Resource not found/ A request has already been submitted with the same requestId / A request submitted with the same requestId has not yet completed / The supplied content type is missing or invalid.Other unspecified error

Sample Example

400 Bad Request
    "code": "4",
    "message": "Insufficient funds.",
    "method": "POST",
    "endPoint": "/v1/payments",
    "requestId": "CHub234Wer"